While enjoying my holidays in my hometown bhopal, one thing that i found has not changed at least in my house is the continuously running AIR(All India Radio), when my father is at home. Interestingly the manner in which they present you the news has also not changed much.
On the day of Christmas one doubt that i always had as a child about "All India Radio" and "Doordarshan News" again cropped up.
On the day of Christmas a lady during the news time in AIR said ... "President, Vice-President, Prime Minister has wished every one Merry Christmas". Now the thing i never heard them saying so in their own voice, even in Doordharshan news which does the same. And only AIR and Doordharshan get their wishes, not any other news channel like NDTV or Aaj Tak.
Now i have never understood how do these important ppl convey these wishes to AIR, the possible options i could think of were:
1. They them selves called AIR help-desk, or news editor and told them we would like to wish "merry christmas" (or diwali,holi,new year .. etc), to the world so please convey the message, especially through AIR so that every one knows that they care.
2. They tell their PA to do the same.
3. But the most possible solution i c is they must have told AIR and Doordharshan in Advance that no matter who the President or Prime Minister, and no matter what the festival is, when ever their is any celebration of national importance, make sure these people are wishing "Happy festival" to everyone.
If you dont believe me .... check out the news on 1st Jan 2010 on AIR, when "President, Vice-President and Prime Minister will wish us all "Happy New Year" ..... :)