Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thoughts Of MY OWN ... !

its important to learn from your mistakes ...... but its more important to remember what you have learned.

- Samarth Gupta

overcome your fears ... they are not that dangerous as they seem to be ... !

- Samarth Gupta

Three people can never be Best Friends to each other ...

- Samath Gupta

... I have Dreams ... and I am ready to fight for them ..... !

- Samath Gupta

..... In the end you have only Three true Friends .... your Mother .... Father ... and MONEY ... !

- Samath Gupta

Every one wants to hear the TRUTH .... only condition is it should not be about Himself ... !

- Samarth Gupta

Never answer a Question .... which is not addressed to you .... !

- Samarth Gupta

Got Bored of EARTH .... planning to go back Home .... !

- Samarth Gupta

If humans, the most intelligent of all beings can't understand each other then wats the point

- Sandeep Bhaskar

my opinion about above thought :

humans understand each other very well ... the point is they dont like what they have understood .... !

- Samarth Gupta


  1. .... In the end you have only Three true Friends .... your Mother .... Father ... and ""BROTHER"" ... !

    - MIHIR Gupta

  2. @Mihir it seems thei i will have to edit the thought ....

    new one is

    ".... In the end you have only Four true Friends .... your Mother .... Father ... ""BROTHER"" , and MONEY... !


  3. Got bored of earth .......... Planning to go back home

    This is good yaar

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i think humans seldom understand themselves. human knowledge is only that which he allows into his conscious awareness.. the rest is covered by his defences. this implies he is afraid of many things. the truth about himself being one of those things, the reason (or lack thereof) for his existence is another. self evaluation is often self deception, and the aim of evaluating others is often to boost ones own worth. so i agree with you, we seldom like what we understand, perhaps we are not as intelligent as we like to say

  6. @tanclo thanx tanclo ..... lets c where does our understanding of ourself takes us ...


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Hi Friends, I am Samarth currently pursuing my Masters degree in Information Technology from International Institute of Information Technology ,Bangalore .